Fattoria Del Gelso

Photodiary: Food and Wine Tour

After a day of gathering, walking, and eating, what’s a slightly jet-lagged crew to do?


Head to Bevagna for the classic ritual of #spritzoclockin the restaurant of our good friend, restaurant owner, and chef Simone


Our group nestled into the evening hour, apperitivo drinks in hand.


And with a little visit from Salvatore, the hour was complete.

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Then back to the nearby Fattoria Del Gelso, where our caretaker Marco was busy prepping a simple Umbrian dinner.

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After a perfect, and perfectly tiring day, what you really need is a home-cooked meal and some local wine.


Stay tuned to see where our crew is off to tomorrow!


Ci Vediamo!


Via Umbria





Day I Part II Read more

After a day of gathering, walking, and eating, what's a slightly jet-lagged crew to do? Head to Bevagna for the classic ritual of ...

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